There are various natural ingredients to whiten the body and can disguise stubborn cellulite. These ingredients are very easy to find at a fairly affordable price, and are definitely safe for the skin.
1. Apple Vinegar
If you shopee once ate an apple, you can now try extracting from apple cider to brighten skin mixed with cellulite. How to squeeze apples and take the water, then apple cider mixed with natural honey as much as 1 tablespoon. Apply to the desired part evenly. Do it regularly every day so that cellulite fades quickly.
2. Honey Plus Olive Oil
The benefits of olives and honey are so numerous that they can inhibit the aging process on the skin. Regeneration of mature cells will be peeled off and "treated" with new cells. How to use it is to mix both ingredients sufficiently and applied to the body, especially the groin, hands, feet and the part that contains prominent cellulite.
3. Tomato
Vitamins A and C in tomatoes are very large in number. The pH in tomatoes is suitable for all skin types. The method is very easy, just cut the tomatoes and apply to the skin of the face or body, then let stand for one hour. Perform rinsing and dry with a towel or tissue. Use this tomato scrub every day before going to bed for the time you want.
4. Coffee
Basically the caffeine content in coffee is quite high. Caffeine is able to absorb dead skin cells as long as they are according to the dosage. Friend Shopee is not recommended to use packaged coffee because there is already a sugar mixture. It's good to concoct it yourself, and pour hot water into 2 tablespoons of thick coffee. Apply to the area of cellulite skin every night.
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